
How to Build a Raised Bed Garden in 4 Easy Steps
Posted by Dave Jury at
Gardening has become a popular hobby as people have found themselves spending a bit more time at home. It’s not only a great way to stay productive, it’s also incredibly rewarding when you get to (literally) enjoy the fruits of your labor. But you may be worried you don’t have enough space at home to make a proper garden. Don’t let that stop you from using your green thumb — you can easily build a garden bed that suits your needs and space. Here’s why you should consider building a raised garden bed at home, and how you can start...

How to Keep Your Desk Clean, Organized, and Free of Clutter
Posted by Dave Jury at
You’re half-way through your work day, and you can’t find your charger. Your workday just got more stressful. A messy workplace can feel intolerable. Things feel dirty, you can’t seem to find anything, and it only seems to pile on top of itself. Clutter can negatively influence the way you work, and ultimately kill productivity. Disorganization can even lead to poor time management. This can also create a negative effect on your mental and physical health. Chances are, you’ve tried to get things organized before, but it just hasn’t stuck. There are a number of reasons you might find yourself cluttered...

13 Ways to Get Your House Ready for Fall — Inside and Out
Posted by Dave Jury at
Homeownership comes with a lot of responsibility. Throughout the year, you’ve got to stay on top of repairs and regular maintenance. And the transition from summer to fall is possibly the most important time to tend to your home and prepare for the upcoming change in seasons. Depending on where you live, during fall and winter, you might experience freezing temperatures and heavy rain or snow. Without proper winterization, that kind of weather can cause problems for your home and property, like burst pipes, foundation flooding, or sky-high heating bills. This year, head into fall knowing your house is ready...

Back to School Organization: Keep Your Home Tidy This Year
Posted by Dave Jury at
The end of summer is a busy time: you and your kids are trying to squeeze in the last few days of summer fun as you prepare for the school year and activities ahead. In between checking off school supplies lists, end of summer vacations, and outdoor activities, it’s important to get your house into a comfortable, organized state that will set you and your kids up for success. In addition to looking nice, an organized home can make you feel less stressed. Both you and your kids benefit from having a tidy home — and with everything you have...

4 Affordable Ways to Keep Your House Cool This Summer
Posted by Dave Jury at
As summer arrives in full swing, many people are seeking refuge from the heat. As a kid, that often meant jumping in the pool or grabbing a popsicle from the freezer. As an adult, finding ways to stay cool in the summer heat might be a bit more practical (even if it’s not as much fun). Keeping your home cool in the summer can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have central AC or are trying to avoid running up a huge bill. And living in an especially hot house can make you feel fatigued and make it hard...

How to Make Every Room in Your Home Environmentally Friendly
Posted by Dave Jury at
As Earth Day inspires us to be more environmentally conscious, you may be concerned about the longevity of the environment. Many people are becoming more eco-conscious, and if you’re looking for a way to do your part, it’s simple to start at home. You’ll not only help protect the planet, but you’ll also save money as you learn to reuse things you already have and save on your electric and water bills. At Drawer Essentials, we’re committed to the environment, too. We repurpose wood cutoffs from our drawer box products to be used for the insert products instead of throwing them...

How to Live a Cleaner and More Organized Life This Year
Posted by Dave Jury at
The New Year’s holiday can be an exciting time. Aside from celebrating with loved ones, closing out one year is an opportunity to take a step back and appreciate everything you’ve accomplished. It’s also a perfect time to reflect on areas of your life you might want to improve in the new year! As you examine the areas of your life that may need revamping, home organization is a good one to include on your list. Aside from reducing stress, boosting productivity, and saving money, learning how to declutter your home can offer a plethora of mental health benefits, too! ...

10 Gift Ideas to Help Anyone on Your List Keep an Organized Home
Posted by Dave Jury at
Home organization — some people enjoy it, some don’t. And if you’re in the group of those who don’t, there’s usually a reason why! Maybe it’s because it’s hard to stay on top of keeping an organized home when your life is already jam packed. Or maybe it’s because you swore you would eventually find a place to store all those odds and ends things that don’t quite fit anywhere. Or maybe it’s because you simply don’t have a workable system nailed down just yet. For those of you who are naturals at home organization, solving this problem can be...

How to Keep Your Kitchen Tidy (Even if You Have Kids!)
Posted by Dave Jury at
Between work, caring for the kids, maintaining a social life, making dinner, and more —keeping your home clean and tidy can be difficult. This is especially true in your kitchen, your most used room in the house. Your kitchen isn’t just for cooking meals — it’s where your family comes together, where you have coffee or a drink with a friend, and where loved ones gather when you have company over. With all that activity, it can be hard to keep your kitchen clean and organized. Keeping things neat may be difficult, but it’s worth it: when your kitchen is clean,...

Messy Garage? 5 Helpful Tips to Remember When Cleaning Your Garage
Posted by Dave Jury at
We’re well into the spring season, and this time of year is all about new beginnings and fresh starts. Spring cleaning is an excellent way for you to get back into the groove of things once winter ends. At the top of your to-do list: your garage. Cleaning and organizing your garage may sound daunting at first, but it doesn’t have to be. By tackling things in the proper order and storing tools and items strategically, your garage can be as neat and tidy as any other room in your home. If you’re wondering how to clean and organize your...

5 Affordable Ways to Renovate Your Kitchen Before You Sell
Posted by Dave Jury at
If you’re one of the many people putting your house on the market, you know just how much can affect the value of your home. Now that you’re closing an important chapter of your life, you want to make the most out of it. There are several ways you can increase the value of your home — whether you’re doing renovations, upgrading appliances, or painting the walls, you have plenty potential when it comes to improving your home. The housing market is incredibly competitive right now, and you want to make a good impression. You may wonder where can you...

9 Useful Small Bathroom Organization Hacks to Try in Your Home
Posted by Dave Jury at
Next to the kitchen, the bathroom is one of the busiest rooms in your house. And just like the kitchen, keeping your bathroom clean and organized can get tricky, especially if you’re short on space.
If you’re in need of an organizational overhaul of your bathroom, check out our round-up of genius bathroom organization ideas to help whip your bathroom into shape!

9 Easy Steps to Become a Minimalist This Year
Posted by Dave Jury at
As the holiday season comes and goes, you may notice extra stuff around the house. Your gifts are opened, sweets are still on the counter, and you’re not sure where to put your new coffee maker. What better way to start the new year than with some downsizing? In the era of COVID-19, you’ve been asked to spend more time in your home than ever before. While being at home can be comforting, it also can start to drive you a bit crazy. What many people have come to find is that adopting a minimalist lifestyle has helped decrease the...

Here's Our Favorite Easy DIY Christmas Decoration Ideas for the Holiday Season
Posted by Dave Jury at
‘Tis the season for decking your halls, walls, and anywhere else with holiday décor. Purchasing your decorations is often the easier route, but there’s something charming about Christmas decorations you’ve made yourself. With how many easy DIY Christmas decoration ideas there are out there, you can easily recreate your favorite holiday looks using items you already have. Creating your own holiday décor gives you the opportunity to let your style and design choice shine. You can keep things as simple as you want, adding just the right amount of holiday spirit around your home. Simple décor is best. Over-the-top decorations...

Keep Your Home Warm This Winter With These 11 Tips
Posted by Dave Jury at
Winter is coming and that means higher energy bills. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, heating makes up 62% of energy use in your home. Considering that heating is only used a few months of the year, that’s a pretty hefty amount. During the colder months, it’s difficult to keep your home warm enough. Cold drafts can come through windows and doors if they aren’t properly insulated and the floor can feel cold. If your home is consistently cold in the winter it can be uncomfortable. And for those who tend to get cold easily, it can also be frustrating. It might feel...

The Best 6 DIY Hacks for Any Small Closet
Posted by Dave Jury at
Closets are one of the most-needed spaces in your home. In a well-organized closet, you can store winter coats, clothing, and all the items you don’t want out all year long. Most importantly, you can access whatever you need without having to waste time searching. Having a small closet isn’t ideal. It can be hard to keep your items clean and organized, and to find what you need when you need it. Sometimes having a small closet can feel like digging around in a bottomless pit! So how do you organize your belongs when you’ve got minimal space to work...

7 Drawer and Cabinet Organizers for a Spotless Kitchen
Posted by Dave Jury at